"Drawing a line through it" marking the path with charcoal and chalk - filmed in early autumn.
"Walking the Path" A view of the whole length of the perimeter path - filmed mid summer.

Homage to lichen - Embroidery on linen.

Cracking - Collaged monoprints with charcoal ink.

Exploring I Ching - Grasses on tracing paper with pencil and ink.

An anthology of confusing messages - 64 zines, soil, moss & ink drawings.

Lichen and bird poo - Charcoal and ink drawing with monoprints.

Cousins to rock pools - Soil and moss ink monoprints.

Lichen steps - Monoprinted ink and soil

Cracks - Collaged monoprints

Cracks - Collaged monoprints

Cracks - Collaged monoprints

Cracks - Collaged monorpints

Cracks - Collaged monoprints

Chosen steps - Monoprinted wood and grasses.