
Claire Morris-Wright is a contemporary Fine Artist living in rural Northamptonshire.
Claire graduated from Brighton Art College.
After leaving University Claire was involved in setting up the Knighton Lane artist studios and later became one of the founding members of Leicester Print Workshop, closely involved with raising funding for equipping and staffing its facilities. 
    link here - Leicester Print Workshop.
Claire has exhibited work in Southampton City Art Gallery, The British Craft Centre London, New Walk Museum Leicester, Loughborough University, Nottingham Museum and Art Gallery and Piers Gough Art Centre at Uppingham School. She has received Arts Council England funding for artistic development.
As a practicing Artist, Curator and educator Claire worked for Nottingham Castle Museum and Art Gallery and Leicester's’ Contemporary Art Gallery The City Gallery where she  curated national and international exhibitions. She has also worked at Goldmark Gallery.

Claire's work was selected for A4 International Print and Pushing Print Margate .
At Loughborough University Claire was Artist in Residence on the AA2a programme and was awarded a programme of B-mentored support through Beacon Arts.
Claire's work was discussed on BBC Radio 4 Open Country programme was interviewed by Richard Uridge 
      link here - .bbc.in  .
Her work is featured in publications - The Encyclopaedia of Drawing Techniques 1988.
New Walk - Issue 13 2016. 
Leaf - Common Ground and The Woodland Trust 2016.
Dig - Huw Morgan and Dan Pearson's online magazine 2019. Archived within the site.
   link here - DIG DELVE
Interviewed on the Ruth Singer podcast 'Making Meaning' 2024 

In 2017- 2019 Claire received funding from Arts Council England National Lottery and John Downs Memorial Trust for The Hedge Project.
This two year Project culminated in exhibitions at Nottingham University, 
Leicester Print Workshop and Kettering Museum and Art Gallery.
Claire was awarded AIR funded coaching for 'The Path' with Anna Hart.
She also coordinated a women artists peer support group 'Alligate' 2018-22.
In 2022 Claire received Arts Council England funding to develop a creative practice researching The Path project. 
The Path Project artist Zine is now held in The British Library permanent collection. 2024

For further information
 If you would like to purchase prints and art works please go to the contact page.

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